Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ow, my shoulders.

Today I did a set of five walkouts with 135 pounds.  God damn, that is heavy.  But in a weird way; not in the sense that my leg muscles were shaking under the strain, but in the sense that I put 135 pounds on my shoulders and that weight feels like it's grinding my bones to make its bread.  I've got fat to spare, but the weight squashed right through it.  It was strange and uncomfortable, and I sort of have a little more sympathy now for people who use the pussy pad, though not much.

Other than that, my main lift for tonight was squats with a top set of 85 and a heavy single of 105 (new PR!).  I had to pause and regroup between reps 4 and 5, but last time I squatted this weight I had to stop between 3 and 4, so I'm getting there, slowly but surely.

Last week I tried doing TGUs with my 35-pounder, Mathilde.  I almost dropped it on my head and killed myself.  I definitely need more time under the 25; a TGU is not something you want to fail.  I also gave my arm an epic bruise doing cleans with it, but at least I can do a one-handed swing with it with something resembling good form.  Just... not for many sets.

My kettlebell coach sent out a mass email to his students with the subject "YOU CAN'T MISS THIS!"  I read the email, and lo, he was actually totally correct.  So a big chunk of my paycheck this Friday is going toward Dragon Door kettlebells.  Right now the plan is to buy two 12kgs and an aspirational 24kg.  I can use it for deadlifts or something.  (Or, god save my quads, goblet squats.)

I think I'd like to compete in kettlebell meets.  I just think it would be really cool.  I was never athletic and I was always so, so jealous of my cousins when they competed in gymnastics meets and brought home trophies.  I probably won't ever compete in powerlifting events because having a 400-pound deadlift would require me to have the sort of body that can move 400 pounds off the floor, and while I'm all for strength, I prefer a more streamlined look.  (I say that as though it's all about aesthetics.  The truth is that I doubt I'm physically capable of reaching that level of strength.  I'm just going to tell myself it's all about not getting all bulky and mannish because that will salve my ego a little.)

That means I need to work on my long cycle, because just the thought of doing it for ten minutes makes my shoulders hurt.  That can go on my list of goals too.

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