Saturday, April 12, 2014

Wherein the UPS delivery guy plots my fiery downfall

For the last few days, the kettlebell-swinging internet has been abuzz with RKC-certified instructors handing out codes for 40% off Dragon Door kettlebells, for the benefit of those of us not among the anointed.  (And for their own benefit, since I assume they get referral money.)  As planned, I bought two 12kg and a 24kg.  I already had a 25-pounder, but since it's not the same weight, I'm going to see if my daughter wants that one.  If not, I can always still use it for singles work, or trade it in to Play It Again for something else cool.

Now I'm broke, but I got top-of-the-line kettlebells for less than the cost of most no-name ones, so I'm pretty happy.

Last night was deadlift night.  I did the I'm Not Doing Jack Shit protocol because everything I've done this week has made me DOMS-ish and I want to be on point for the squat and deadlift seminar at Iron Sport on Sunday.  I set a new PR - 185 pounds, which is so, so close to my goal weight of 200.  It was just for a single and I want to be able to do 200 for reps, but still.  Super close.  My top set felt easier, too.

But the seminar is just in time, because I caught sight of myself in the mirror angle when I was pulling my work set, and holy shit is my form bad.  I cannot for anything keep my back from rounding, even on fairly light weights.  Even concentrating on pulling my shoulders and lats back doesn't work once the weight starts coming off the ground.  I don't know if it's a weak upper back, shoulder mobility issues, or just my posture at the start of the lift, but hopefully someone at the seminar can tell me.  I just hope my form's not so bad that I have to deload all the way back to the empty bar and work back up.

In honor of the seminar I'm going to, here's the (classic, hilarious) commercial for the gym hosting it:

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