Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The worst day squatting is better than... well, not too damn much, to be quite honest.

A training log is kept by every serious trainee as a record of his history under the bar.  It is an important source of data for determinations regarding staleness, overtraining, the effectiveness of newly added exercises, and the overall effectiveness of the training program... It should include the athlete's impressions of that day's workout, useful cues discovered, and any other subjective information that might serve a purpose later... It is an essential tool for both trainee and coach, and as such is not optional. 
 - Rippetoe & Baker, Practical Programming for Strength Training, Third Edition. 
Today's workout: 5/3/1, Cycle 2, Week 1

 Squats: 45x5, 45x5, 55x5, 60x5, 70x5, 75x6, 75x5, 75x4, 75x1
Good Mornings: 50x5x3, 55x5x2
Hanging leg raise: 10x5

It's so awesome how a really bad squat day can just ruin your entire workout.  And by "awesome" I mean "Fuck you, squats, it's the first day of my period, don't make me cry in the power rack."

My squats were a mess tonight.  The last few reps had every possible form issue - knees collapsing, egregious good-morning-ness, instability, you name it.  And now my knee hurts.  I'm glad my knee sleeves will be here in a couple of days.

I had problems getting past 75 pounds last time too.  I don't know what it is about that weight that hangs me up.  Maybe it's the first weight that the bar really starts feeling heavy, I don't know.  What I do know is that I'm going to repeat the squat sequence all three lifting days this week, because I will force an adaptation or die trying.

Seventy-five pounds.  I owe the Blessed Virgin about a hundred candles for making Baby Jesus cry like he has colic.

One good thing about squatting with weights, though - it makes your body weight feel pretty negligible.  I squatted up from sitting on the power-cage base recovering from a heavy set, and nearly bloodied my nose on the uprights and the Buddhist concept of the illusory nature of physical existence at the same time.

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