Monday, February 10, 2014

TFW everyone else in the class is doing it differently.

No workouts were done this weekend.  That's because the DOMS from Friday's overdoing-it were epic.  This weekend was a recovery weekend.

Today's workout:

Kettlebell class, an hour of intervals.  Exercises included one-armed swings, clean and press, snatch, really difficult plank variants, and I don't even know what all else.

And goblet squats.

Now, goblet squats during intervals - yay, right?  By the time the squats rolled around I was about to die and would pretty much take any chance I could get to sit the hell down and see how close to the floor I could get my tailbone.  When I do goblet squats I go ATG because why not?  The weight's light and it stretches out my hips and lower back.  At that point my only concern was staying at the bottom long enough to get my breath back without drawing the instructor's attention and making him think I was a slacker.

But then I look around, and everyone else is at or above parallel.

Now, on one hand, oop and all that.  On the other hand, as mentioned before, I was about to die, and fuck everyone - I was sitting my middle-aged ass down between my ankles for a couple of breaths.  Also, the instructor came by and gave me a cue for getting rid of my lumbar slouch, which I've been worried about but haven't quite known how to fix, so bonus.

On the other hand, I still wonder if all those people doing kettlebell squats at parallel know something I don't.  Maybe it's a better workout that way?  Or at least harder to use it as an excuse to catch your breath.

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